
Stories that captivate the world

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About HMP

Haley Marguerite Publishing is a self-publishing- full service company!

Dear Prospective Authors,

As I pen this missive, I am all too aware of the struggles, setbacks, and challenges that you may have faced when considering the daunting prospect of publishing your book. You may have asked yourself repeatedly, "Is it worth it?" and wavered in your conviction. But, I urge you to trust your instincts, for if you have to deliberate, then deep down, you already know the answer.

Before the creation of Haley Marguerite Publishing, I was a full-time author, crisscrossing the state of Florida and traversing the length and breadth of the country promoting the highly successful Charlie Takes an Adventure book series. During my travels, countless individuals confided in me that they too had written books, yet had not been able to publish them. The litany of excuses they proffered never ceased to amaze me, for I knew that this was a dream shared by many-a desire to leave a lasting legacy.

At the tender age of eleven, I penned the first installment of the Charlie Takes an Adventure series as part of a language arts project. However, for thirteen long years, the book lay neglected on my bookshelf. Every time I contemplated publishing it, I was met with a chorus of naysayers:

"You're far too young!"

"It costs an exorbitant amount of money!"

"It's an insurmountable feat!"

I even had a boyfriend once tell me that I wasn't intelligent enough to publish a book. But, in the end, I realized that I was the only one standing in the way of my success.

So, my dear friends, I implore you to ask yourselves one crucial question-How long will you let your story go untold?

Wishing you all the very best,

Haley Marguerite


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